Marshall Craft
Mechanical Engineer | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 704.576.3241


Project Description

This project was one started by my five person team at the 2015 MakeMIT hardware hackathon. Our goal was to build a low cost CNC machine from lasercut parts so we decided to make a pen plotter as it fit with the materials and time constraints we had. Over the course of 24 hours we were able to build a rough, functioning prototype and outlined our desire to make improvements and expand upon different functionalities that we had thought of. We were ultimately selected as finalists and ableto come back on a second weekend to refine our prototpye and expand upon it. Unfortunately due to weather some parts were delayed and we were unabe to implement more advanced system that would allow you to move the machine and keep drawing. We did however have the base functionality of the CNC machine working and it was ultimately displayed in an MIT Museum gallery of student work.

Additional Photos

Original Prototype